Trademark Search Services

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    Trademark searches are strongly advised before beginning usage of a new trademark. If a search is not conducted, a trademark owner with prior rights can compel the mark to be discontinued. If this happens after the product is launched, not only are marketing resources wasted, but the valuable reputation built through the trademark is also lost. Conducting this kind of search can be quite challenging due to the multitude of trademarks being used in various fields of commerce.

    Our intellectual property attorney at LexGeneris understands this challenge, and our staff delves deeply into trademark databases, looking at not only registered trademarks but also pending applications and common law trademarks that may not be legally registered but are still in use. This extensive search allows us to discover potential problems early on, saving you time and money. Our proactive strategy examines your company’s growth and prospective market expansion, ensuring that your trademark remains secure as it evolves.

    Consult us today for conducting smooth trademark search.

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