Trademark Filing Services
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Trademarks are a valuable asset for your business, setting your brand apart from competitors, enabling effective communication with your audience, and fostering an emotional connection. Filing a trademark application safeguards your business identity even before your entrance into the market.
Trademarks can be registered on a country-by-country basis by filing a separate national application in each desired country. Additionally, trademarks can be registered for certain economic regions. For instance, a single European Trademark registration covers the entire European Union. For multiple countries or regions, obtaining an international registration under the Madrid Protocol might be more cost-effective. The Madrid Protocol enables a streamlined approach to registering and managing trademarks globally via the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). With a single application, applicants can designate a number of countries for trademark registration.
Countries and regions that are part of the Madrid Protocol include:
Afghanistan | Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | Liberia | Rwanda |
African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) | Denmark | Liechtenstein | Samoa |
Albania | Egypt | Lithuania | San Marino |
Algeria | Estonia | Luxembourg | Sao Tome and Principe |
Antigua and Barbuda | Eswatini | Madagascar | Serbia14 |
Armenia | European Union | Malawi | Sierra Leone |
Australia | Finland | Malaysia | Singapore |
Austria | France | Mauritius | Slovakia |
Azerbaijan | Gambia | Mexico | Slovenia |
Bahrain | Georgia | Monaco | Spain |
Belarus | Germany | Mongolia | Sudan |
Belgium | Ghana | Montenegro | Sweden |
Belize | Greece | Morocco | Switzerland |
Bhutan | Hungary | Mozambique | Syrian Arab Republic |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Iceland | Namibia | Tajikistan |
Botswana | India | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) | Thailand |
Brazil | Indonesia | New Zealand | Trinidad and Tobago |
Brunei Darussalam | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | North Macedonia | Tunisia |
Bulgaria | Ireland | Norway | Türkiye |
Cabo Verde | Israel | Oman | Turkmenistan |
Cambodia | Italy | Pakistan | Ukraine |
Canada | Jamaica | Philippines | United Arab Emirates |
Chile | Japan | Poland | United Kingdom |
China | Kazakhstan | Portugal | United States of America |
Colombia | Kenya | Qatar | Uzbekistan |
Croatia | Kyrgyzstan | Republic of Korea | Viet Nam |
Cuba | Lao People’s Democratic Republic | Republic of Moldova | Zambia |
Cyprus | Latvia | Romania | Zimbabwe |
Czech Republic | Lesotho | Russian Federation |
At LexGeneris, our IP attorneys offer specialized trademark filing services in Australia, New Zealand, and India directly, and various other countries through Madrid route or with help from our partner associate. Our filing service ensures coverage from the initial filing to trademark renewals, protecting the marks globally.
We recognize the individuality of each brand, so we ensure that our approach aligns with your specific needs. Before filing your trademark application, we conduct thorough trademark searches to identify any potential conflicts and provide expert guidance on the most effective strategy to protect your trademark. Whether you are a new business seeking to establish your brand or an established company looking to expand your trademark portfolio, we are committed to delivering the best results at affordable pricing.