IP Strategy Services

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    Our attorneys formulate patent strategy after understanding your business and technology roadmap and existing competition in the market. Our attorneys can also collaborate with research and engineering teams and produce patent master plans that maximize patent outcomes and reduce patent risks. We make sure that every $ spent from your IP budget offers you the intended result.

    Explore All Patent Services


    Trademark strategy is a key component of any business’s marketing and branding efforts. It involves the development, execution, and management of a company. We can help you formalize trademark strategy in short-term and long-term, as well as plans for how the company will use its trademarks to increase brand awareness, build customer loyalty, and create a unique identity.

    Explore All Trademark Services


    Design strategy focuses on protecting the designs of products and services. We help companies ensure that their designs are protected at their fullest potential and that any investments made in them are well thought out and strategic and assist in achieving competitive advantages. Be it design selection, protection, acquisition, or a licensing requirement, we can always help.

    • Concept Design & Prototyping
    • Design Portfolio Management
    • Design Portfolio Evaluation
    • Design Acquisitions
    • Design Licensing
    • Design Contracts and Agreements
    • Design Due Diligence
    Explore All Design Services

    IP Strategy

    Our IP strategy experts can help you develop a plan for protecting your inventions and ideas, taking into account all the ways your IP can be used to create value for your business or personal brand. We can also help you manage and enforce your IP rights, to ensure that you reap the maximum benefits from your IP portfolio. We understand your language and can quickly identify the real issues at stake, providing advice that will help you get the best possible outcome for your business.

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